EXiS 2023

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2024 EX-NOW (for International Competition Section)

국제 경쟁부문 작품선정

제21회 서울국제실험영화페스티벌 국제 경쟁부문 EX-Now에 상영될 작품이 선정되었음을 알려드립니다.

올해 총 79개국 2,008편의 작품들이 공모에 접수되면서 경쟁 프로그램 결과 발표가 늦어졌습니다.

올해 국제 경쟁 21편 EX-Now 부문 작품들이 최종적으로 결정되었습니다.

공모에 신청해주신 모든 감독님, 작가님에게 감사를 표합니다.

We are pleased to announce the list of film for EX-Now, the main competition programs of the festival.

More than 2,000 films have been submitted, and 21 films in International Competition section will be screened. Once again, We would like to express our deep gratitude to all the artists who shared their work with us.

International Competition 국제경쟁 21편

<Adrift Potentials (Potenciais à Deriva)> Leonardo Pirondi

<Disappearances> James Edmonds

<How To Run A Trotline> Carl Elsaesser

<In a Nearby Field> Laida Lertxundi, Ren Ebel

<Kinderfilm> Total Refusal

<Myanmar Anatomy> Prapat Jiwarangsan

<Nocturne for a forest> Catarina Vasconcelos

<On Plains of Larger River & Woodlands> Miguel de Jesus

<Pain (Bol)> Ivan Faktor

<Rehabilitation of Synthetic Human (合成人間のリハビリ)> Yoichiro Serizawa

<Remote Occlusions> Utkarsh

<Room 404 (房間 404)> Elysa Wendi, Wai Shing Lee

<Social Circles> Eri Saito

<Terminal Island> Sam Drake

<The Goose's Excuse (Ozr el wezzah)> Mahdy Abo Bahat, Abdo Zin Eldin

<The Land at Night> Richard Tuohy

<The Secret Garden (الحديقة السرية)> Nour Ouayda

<TODAY IS A VERY SPECIAL DAY, some-times> Matt Whitman

<Too Long Ago, Not Far (在不太遙遠的很久以前)> Yan Wai Yin

<UNDR> Kamal Aljafari

<Works Ahead (Labores en curso)> Bruno Delgado Ramo